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Frequently Asked Questions
Learn all about Ladybirds Kinder Class, and why we’re the right Pre school for you. In this section, we have compiled some of the frequently asked questions that we’ve received over the years. If there is something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you.
What is the EYFS?
We follow a set of legal requirements produced by the Department of Education called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These standards are put in place to make sure that children aged from birth to 5 learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. Please download load a copy of this guide WHAT TO EXPECT IN THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE
Can we visit you?
We operate an open door policy, families are welcome to come and visit us at any time. The only advantage of making an appointment is that we can ensure somebody is available to answer any questions you have.
How much is a session?
Under review
Do you offer a breakfast or afterschool session?
At the moment we offer a breakfast club which allows families to drop off their children at 8.30. Children can enjoy some breakfast with a member of staff or other breakfast club children for a £2.50 charge. As we operate from a shared building we do not have the opportunity to offer an afterschool club at the moment.